Monday, May 14, 2012

A Peek into the 30's

This weekend was GORGEOUS and what did I do? Shut the blinds so I could properly quilt, that's what! Don't worry, I did actually get out a bit and take a few walks with the hubby through downtown. I finished another quilt-- "A Peek in to the 30's".

I know that I've mentioned many times how difficult fun it is to have a little crafty-cat. Let's see if you would put up with her nonsense. At least one of us had fun. Ok, I actually love when she terrorizes me. I'm sure it's because she loves me, hahaha.

You saw a layout of the quilt last post but I want you to know that I worked hard for that layout.

Last weekend I sewed it all together and got it basted. This weekend was a focus on actually quilting it with a new (to me) quilt pattern I found online.

I had a handful of little squares left over from the front since I trailed in two corners so I decided to piece the back. I needed it to, because I barely had enough backing fabric.

I then quilted an Orange Peel design, which I LOVE and desperately need to practice more. I'm ok with the ok quilt job. It looks rustic. Haha.

I slapped the binding on it lickidy-split and wallah! A finished quilt!

I called it "A Peek into the 30's" because all of the fabric are 30's repros. I love all the fabric and love how intermixed they still look amazing together.

Here's the back...

I absolutely love how it turned out. I don't really have any plans for this one. I figured I could treat myself to a quilt now that I'm about to be back in baby mode for a cousin who is expecting in June. Yes, this June. I'm running a little behind on that one. 

Along with the baby quilt I'm sending a baby sweater. I went a little overboard because this cousin and I are close AND because it's the first little girl I've had to prep for! FINALLY! A girl! Too many boy things, I've been craving pink. I started up a swatch this weekend and blocked it to get my gauge. Perfect!

I also have the fabric to baste and quilt my Victorian Festive quilt. Can you believe this cat finally fell asleep?! Sometimes you just need to distract her with another sewing project.

A full week of crafts ahead and just two weeks until HOME with family. I can't wait to spend a week quilting and knitting with Grandma and fam.

Happy Crafting!

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