Monday, January 28, 2013

Swoon #1 & #2

A productive weekend in the quilting world, although I probably could have done more. I said goodbye to the little brother as he headed home. He treated me to extreme oohh-ing and aww-ing over each little piece of my Swoon (which I finally started!).

I was completely spoiled by him. Every time I would sew something together I would say "Step 3!" and make him look. He helped distract Neti and when I was later baking him some homemade biscotti and shortbread I lost an egg down the garbage disposal. Angrily I said, "Man! This is just not my day!" and he immediately retorted, "What are you talking about?! Look at your beautiful quilt!" Gotta love brothers! I wish he could stick around here forever.

So here they are! Swoon #1...

... and Swoon #2

I obviously have some trimming to do. I love how much fabric choice makes a difference. They are exactly the same pattern but the blocks look so different! I can't wait to see the rest of them come together. I have two mini projects I need to squeeze in between the Swoon-ing for the SMQG. I joined the Madrona Road Challenge and have an idea for a very literal take on the line. I also have to create a nametag for the SMQG meetings and can't WAIT to play with some embroidery and fun designs.

Swoon Count:   2/16 Complete

Happy Crafting!


  1. Beautiful Swoon blocks! So you are making 16 for a king size quilt? Wow. I confess I love just about any Swoon I see...I've made a full size Swoon (9 blocks), a couple of 1-block minis + a 'super' Swoon - 1 double size block which made a great lap quilt.

  2. The super swoon sounds amazing! I may just have to try that.
